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Project details




  • Profession Electrician, experience 1 - 3 years
  • Specialization Residential buildings, optional and utility buildings, optional
  • Driving licence B, optional

Job offer

  • Recruiter HappyRecruiter
  • Salary details 4000 - 6000 RON net / month
    » depends on experience
  • Work schedule Normal (8 hours)
  • Contract type Permanent employee
  • Location Târgu Mureș, Mureș County, Romania
  • Work permit in Romania Required
  • Search candidates In Târgu Mureș and near by (20 km)
  • Local transport Provided and paid by employer

Job description


MD Electric din Nazna, angajează electrician!

Se accepta si debutanti daca sunt absolventi al facultatii de inginerie – inginer electroenergetician.

Atestat ANRE IIIA+IIIB (optional)

- Program de munca: luni-vineri – 8 ore- 08:00-16:00

- Bonusuri in functie de performante si de proiectele in care este implicat

- Prime: de Paste si Craciun

- Transport asigurat de societate

*** Jobul presupune:

Realizarea instalatiilor electrice interioare pentru cladiri, rezidentiale, edilitare, industriale, de asemenea executie retele electrice aeriene si subterane 0.4 KV-20 KV, bransamente electrice.

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