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Project details




  • Profession Turner, experience 1 - 3 years

Job offer

  • Recruiter Zsofia
  • Salary details Negotiable
  • Work schedule In shifts » 2 shifts
  • Contract type Permanent employee
  • BenefitsMeal vouchers
  • Location Reghin, Mureș County, Romania
  • Address Strada Carpati , Nr. 9
  • Work permit in Romania Required
  • Search candidates In Reghin and near by (35 km)
  • Local transport With the employee's car and repaid (La colegii care fac naveta din afara orasului se deconteaza transportul)

Job description


Fabrica de confectii metalice din Reghin, a deschis pozitie noua de Strungar Universal.


- Absolvent liceu / scoala profesionala cu profil tehnic;

- Cunostinte desen tehnic si despre utilizarea instrumentelor de masura si control;

- Experienta pe strung manual

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